Our Mission

LA Parks Alliance was formed in 2019  as a response to land use threats to LA State Historic Park (LASHP). This close-knit group is made up of park and public space advocates who recognized the imminent danger of a private gondola’s impact on LA State Historic Park.

View sheds, air rights, traffic, and a host of other issues are at risk for a transportation project that really is not functioning for public benefit, but for a private corporation.

We understand the excitement from wealthy developers around turning LASHP into LA’s version of Central Park, but the surrounding communities advocated for over 20 years to make this park a reality and was built for the people and not as an asset for the uber-wealthy.

While there are many issues to be addressed around this amazing venue, our Alliance is singly focused on the greatest threat to LASHP and that is the  McCourt Gondola.   

Join us in protecting our park, your park and Stop the Gondola!